Munroe Paradise, Munroe Island

Room Types

Munroe Paradise, Munroe Island

Munroe Paradise is one of the best resorts in Munroe islands Kollam. We serve you with elegant rooms and eco friendly atmosphere for our inmates. Being the best homestay in Munroe islands, we provide the best possible experience anyone can imagine. The Munroe paradise in Munroe Island is basically an eco-friendly resort with tiled huts which is a traditional house of Kerala which we recreate for our guests. We provide you with elegant and attractive rooms which is close to nature. The Munroe paradise is situated at the heart of the Munroe islands also known as mundroethuruth. we provide the best rooms in Munroe Islands. Our rooms are the best individual cottages in Munroe Islands We provide amenities like canoeing, houseboat facilities, fishing and much more. We also provide village walkthrough for guests to explore the village beauty and backwaters of Ashtamudi of Munroe islands


  • Canoeing
  • Village Travel
  • House Boating
  • Fishing
  • Nature Friendly Rooms
  • Common Kitchen

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Munroe Paradise, Munroe Island

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